Wednesday, September 24, 2014

I've turned myself into a lab rat...

<p>I was going through my routine with all the products I've received and realized the only difference between myself and a lab rat is that I chose to do this. Here is how my morning went. I woke up and took a Phytoceramide, designed to fight the signs of aging. Then I took a shower using my PureSol Konjac sponge with bamboo charcoal and my InstaNatural deep cleansing oil. I dried my hair using my Shandali Microfiber towel. After my shower I used my InstaNatural rosehip seed oil on my stomach because it is designed to diminish stretch marks, which after having 3 kids, I have some. Then while my hair was still damp I added a few drops of 100% Argan oil to fight flyaways and split ends. I have more products that I could have added to the routine but I was running short on time. I'm hoping to try my Propeller garlic press sometime this weekend now that we are settled into our new apartment. I also, got to start giving Baker-boy the Paw-biotics I received. It's a different life than it was before I joined Tomoson but I am enjoying it so much! I love trying new stuff and if I can do it for free, even better! </p>

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